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English-Hindi > fringing" sentence in Hindi

fringing in a sentence

31.Tall windows were hung with red draperies adorned with gold fringe.

32.These guys seemed to be on the fringe of every show.

33.Boxing also has been pushed to the fringes of media attention.

34.Adams acknowledged that he is most at home on the fringe.

35."It's not just fringe environmentalists ."

36.They have even started moving into the fringes of official politics.

37.Their foliage can be feathery or bold, striped or fringed.

38.These kids were way, way, way on the fringe.

39.Can he stand up to the GOP's homophobic fringe?

40.Neighborhood children hang on the fringes, chattering quietly, curious.

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How to say fringing in Hindi and what is the meaning of fringing in Hindi? fringing Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.