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English-Hindi > geological history" sentence in Hindi

geological history in a sentence

11.Of the three museums in Parrsboro, two are dedicated to geological history.

12.Anoxic waters are a natural phenomenon, and have occurred throughout geological history.

13.Did the geological history affect the pattern of human settlement of the region?

14.This provides an unparalleled picture of the geological history of southern New Mexico.

15.However, they behave differently throughout the geological history.

16.Wales has a complex geological history which has left it a largely mountainous country.

17.Its geological history explains the formation of caves that were occupied by the Aurignacian.

18.Also, Long Island and the adjacent shore also share a common geological history.

19.The geological history of the province spans more than 1.2 billion years.

20.Later in 1967, after a minor geological history and theories of continental drift.

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How to say geological history in Hindi and what is the meaning of geological history in Hindi? geological history Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.