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English-Hindi > geological history" sentence in Hindi

geological history in a sentence

21.The study of impact craters on Venus is important to discover its geological history.

22.The area has a complex geological history.

23.The Yarra River has a detailed and complex geological history, see " Geology ".

24.Additionally, a greenstone belt contains far more information on tectonic and Archaean geological history.

25.Throughout New Guinea's geological history there have been many land connections with Australia.

26.The Nahanni has a unique geological history.

27.The signs along the route tell of the geological history and structure of the mountain.

28.Agglutinated foraminifera have a long geological history spanning the Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic.

29.The formation of the caldera is linked to the geological history of the Copiapo ranges.

30.Monazite and zircon are two minerals that commonly employed in geochronology to study geological history.

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How to say geological history in Hindi and what is the meaning of geological history in Hindi? geological history Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.