31. There are also differences in taxa which are dependent on time of divergence and geological history . 32. These cratons share similar geological histories and are therefore assumed to have formed the continent Vaalbara. 33. It is likely the rock strata in the walls preserve a long geological history of Mars. 34. Thus, the studying of crater distribution and randomness may give clues for Venusian geological history . 35. These domains are widely accepted to represent episodes in geological history during monazite growth or recrystallisation. 36. The landscape and its geological history offer one clue to the character of the wines made here. 37. Geologists believe the river cuts through more than a third of the earth's geological history . 38. As a result of this eventful geological history , the UK shows a rich variety of landscapes. 39. Never in its geological history has it ever been connected with any part of the Philippine archipelago. 40. As a result of this eventful geological history , the island shows a rich variety of landscapes.