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English-Hindi > geological history" sentence in Hindi

geological history in a sentence

41.The site is nationally important for an interpretation of the geological history of the Ford Formation carbonates.

42.Tylor paid attention to recent geological history, the subject of the majority of his thirteen papers.

43.It also facilitates research to refine the current understanding of the Indian subcontinent's geological history.

44.Brown also showed that the unique characteristics of the Yogo sapphires are related to their geological history.

45.Unsatisfied with traditional explanations crediting the military superiority of European conquerors, he turned to geological history instead.

46.This is the dramaturgical nightmare that awaits anyone who tries to describe the geological history of the earth.

47.In this work he narrated the geological history of the West as a mixture of uniformitarianism and catastrophism.

48.The series mixed the geological history of the Australian continent with modern post-European settlement of Australia.

49.Counterpoised below on the wall is a massive piece of bedrock, displaying the millennia of geological history.

50.These differences relate to climate, topography, and geological history leaving behind different sources of parent material.

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How to say geological history in Hindi and what is the meaning of geological history in Hindi? geological history Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.