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English-Hindi > gunnel" sentence in Hindi

gunnel in a sentence

11.The Bildts have a daughter Gunnel, 6, and son Nils, 4.

12."Gunnel " received five battle stars for World War II service.

13.Gunnel Andr?is interested in many cultural activities.

14.The house is packed to the gunnels.

15."We understand that people are upset, " said spokeswoman Gunnel Engberg.

16.The group continued on as a quartet with King, Freeman, Gunnels and Marshall.

17.He also said that " he saw the starboard lifeboat shove off into the gunnel ".

18.Kelly had previously substituted for Gunnels, when Gunnels took time off from touring in 1975.

19.Kelly had previously substituted for Gunnels, when Gunnels took time off from touring in 1975.

20.The rock gunnel is capable of remaining above the waterline at low tide and breathing air.

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How to say gunnel in Hindi and what is the meaning of gunnel in Hindi? gunnel Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.