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English-Hindi > mackles" sentence in Hindi

mackles in a sentence

21.Starting in 1951, the Mackle Construction Company offered new homes on the island for US $ 9, 540, with just US $ 500 down.

22.While Schier was in prison, Gene Miller, in collaboration with Mackle, wrote about the crime in " 83 Hours Till Dawn ".

23.Joanna Mackle, publishing director of Hughes's publisher Faber and Faber, was delighted with the latest award, but said it was tinged with sadness.

24.Krist and Eisemann-Schier demanded and received a $ 500, 000 ransom from Mackle's father, Robert Mackle, a wealthy Florida land developer.

25.Krist and Eisemann-Schier demanded and received a $ 500, 000 ransom from Mackle's father, Robert Mackle, a wealthy Florida land developer.

26.Q : Q & AMP; A recently updated readers on Barbara Jane Mackle, who was kidnapped and buried alive in 1968 before being rescued several days later.

27.The issue is considered a matter of faith, which cannot be changed, rather than a matter of church discipline, which can be changed, Mackle said.

28.Mackle, then a 20-year-old student at Emory University in Atlanta, spent about 3 1 / 2 days buried about two feet underground before she was rescued.

29.Deltona was meant to be nothing but nice when the Mackle brothers, developers who built an empire designing inexpensive communities for northern transplants throughout Florida, created it in the 1960s.

30.They drove her to a remote pine stand off of South Berkeley Lake Road in Gwinnett County near Duluth and buried Mackle in a shallow trench inside of a fiberglass-reinforced box.

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