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English-Hindi > octyl" sentence in Hindi

octyl in a sentence

11.It is classified as an ester that is formed from 1-octanol ( octyl alcohol ) and acetic acid.

12.It contains a mixture of C 8 ( octyl ) and C 10 ( decyl ) chains with C 8 predominating.

13.This only occurred when it was combined with other ingredients commonly found in sunscreens, like titanium oxide and octyl methoxycinnamate.

14.The tissue adhesive, 2-octyl cyanoacrylate, is used to repair low-tension cuts and to close surgical incisions.

15.In sunscreen, ingredients which absorb UVA / UVB rays, such as avobenzone and octyl methoxycinnamate, are known as absorbers.

16."' Ethylhexyl palmitate "', or octyl palmitate, is the fatty acid ester derived from cosmetic formulations.

17.In medical and veterinary applications, octyl cyanoacrylate, " n "-butyl cyanoacrylate and isobutyl cyanoacrylate are commonly used.

18.Blends of octyl cyanoacrylate and " n "-butyl cyanoacrylate are available which offer both flexibility and a strong bond.

19.Care should be taken to avoid confusing NP-40 with Nonidet P-40 ( "'octyl "'phenoxypolyethoxylethanol ).

20.Some of the most common ingredients are titanium dioxide; zinc oxide; dioxybenzone; oxybenzone; octyl ( ethylhexyl ) methoxycinnamate; sulisobenzone; avobenzone.

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