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English-Hindi > ocular" sentence in Hindi

ocular in a sentence

11.Ocular Sciences Inc ., South San Francisco, 4 million shares.

12.Surgery is possible on the extra-ocular muscles to decrease strabismus.

13.The characteristic ocular abnormalities are nystagmus and lateral rectus weakness.

14.These include intracellular fluid; extracellular fluid; ocular fluids.

15.Distinct from POHS, acute ocular histoplasmosis may rarely occur in immunodeficiency.

16.Oral antibiotics may help to relieve symptoms of ocular rosacea.

17.However, it requires an intact blood-ocular barrier to work.

18.Ocular dominance and dominant hand should be ideally the same.

19.The video is also included on the Ocular Digital DVD.

20.Ocular sparganosis a particularly well-described type of sparganosis.

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How to say ocular in Hindi and what is the meaning of ocular in Hindi? ocular Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.