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English-Hindi > radiant heating" sentence in Hindi

radiant heating in a sentence

11.Radiant heating is an attempt to duplicate this heating method.

12.Radiant heating as a technology is more narrowly defined.

13.So the new one will have a radiant heating system under the floor, Quattrocchi said.

14.Its built-in radiant heating system never worked.

15.The hangar is heated by a radiant heating system consisting of hot water circulated beneath the concrete floor.

16.Chiller boiler systems use radiant heating and cooling or fan coil systems to condition a home or business.

17.The infrastructure is largely shared amongst the units, with radiant heating utilizing water delivered from a central boiler system.

18.His horizontal, wide-open houses that featured carports and radiant heating influenced design and changed the way many Americans lived.

19.The house was to be 1800 square feet and featured radiant heating through hot water pipes installed in the floor slab.

20.Q : My house has radiant heating in the ceilings and we have a continual problem with the ceiling plaster cracking.

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How to say radiant heating in Hindi and what is the meaning of radiant heating in Hindi? radiant heating Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.