He was a donor to causes as varied as the Belfast Charitable Society, the Presbyterian Orphan Society, and the Presbyterian Sabbath School.
He also served as a Deacon in the Third Church of Hartford and established the Sabbath School, serving as its first superintendent.
Such children's worship is often called Sunday school or Sabbath school ( Sunday schools are often held before rather than during services ).
Robert became the superintendent of the Sabbath School and he was also a ruling elder in the Laight Street, New York, Presbyterian Church.
On Thursday the 14th, he went to the Sabbath School picnic in most excellent spirits, and seemed to be very happy in the Lord.
The church was commonly referred to as Drummond's Union Sabbath School and remained open for nearly a century before closing due to financial troubles.
In addition to the church, a Sunday school was built around 1815 next to the church called Union Sunday School or Union Sabbath School.
He worked to upgrade the social status of the black community, organizing Sabbath schools to teach literacy and promoting national organizations to develop political strategies.
She was teaching in the Sabbath school by the age of 12 and at the age of 14 she was united with a Congregational Church.
The Church of Ireland Sunday School Society was founded in 1809 . The Sabbath School Society of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland was founded in 1862.
How to say sabbath school in Hindi and what is the meaning of sabbath school in Hindi? sabbath school Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.