English-Hindi > sad to say" sentence in Hindi
sad to say in a sentence
Examples 41. Soaring oratory, sad to say , is rapidly becoming a lost art. 42. But, sad to say , the beauty is mainly skin-deep. 43. And, sad to say , a few have trouble recognizing the name. 44. Politicians, sad to say , are professional prevaricators. 45. In politics, sad to say , the opposite occurs with distressing frequency. 46. Each year, sad to say , there is no shortage of illustrations. 47. This, sad to say , is the Democrats'idea of bipartisanship. 48. It's sad to say that ." 49. Sad to say , they're almost like routine now ."50. It's sad to say but you shuffled the blame to inexperience.
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How to say sad to say in Hindi and what is the meaning of sad to say in Hindi? sad to say Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.