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English-Hindi > shutter release" sentence in Hindi

shutter release in a sentence

21.It also included depth-of-field preview and remote shutter release, two facilities notably absent in the F60.

22.That correspondence will show that all photos of Nelson Denis were taken with a remote shutter release.

23.The shutter release on classic Exaktas is on the front of the camera, rather than the top.

24.Both units also have a second shutter release for vertical format shooting, and a subtractive frame counter.

25.The Sogno is unusual for having its controls, including the shutter release, operated by the left hand.

26.This action adds a delay between pressing the shutter release and the actual exposure of the film.

27.His hands were on the shutter release.

28.Soft-touch shutter release occurs via electromagnetic signaling.

29.Metering modes, shutter release, self-timer, manual time settings and the ergonomics of the camera body were also improved.

30.Mushroom type surround to shutter release.

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How to say shutter release in Hindi and what is the meaning of shutter release in Hindi? shutter release Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.