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English-Hindi > tell tales" sentence in Hindi

tell tales in a sentence

11.Dead men & o tell tales, especially in Old San Juan.

12.Muldaur tells tales, spins yarns and sings a little gospel.

13.The dead do sometimes tell tales, if you know how to look for them.

14.He tells tales of growing up dreaming of Loehmann's, the discount Brooklyn fashion store.

15.People tell tales, they tell lies, all kinds of gossip.

16.James is forced to wait as Manning tells tale after tale, ancote after anecdote.

17.The tell tale line is where he says'yang tidak begitu relevan dibuang saja '.

18.He tells tales of his lost love Moly, or Molybdenum.

19.They were both included on " Tell Tale Signs ".

20.THE DRUG STORES : Pharmacists Tell Tales of Overwork

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How to say tell tales in Hindi and what is the meaning of tell tales in Hindi? tell tales Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.