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English-Hindi > tighten up" sentence in Hindi

tighten up in a sentence

21.We have to tighten up where we have to tighten up.

22.When a back injury occurs, the tissues around it tighten up.

23.The Belgian police are now desperately trying to tighten up security.

24.I think we have to tighten up the brushing a little at nighttime.

25.There are a lot of things we need to tighten up.

26.There's even heartburn surgery which tightens up the lower esophageal sphincter.

27.It tightens up flabby tissues to enlarge the air passages.

28.We need to really tighten up the laws we have.

29.But that doesn't mean we have to tighten up ."

30.I felt my quad tighten up out of the turn,

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How to say tighten up in Hindi and what is the meaning of tighten up in Hindi? tighten up Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.