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English-Hindi > tree branch" sentence in Hindi

tree branch in a sentence

21.Most of the injuries were caused by collapsed houses and falling tree branches.

22.Is it a tree branch-- or is something terrifying out there?

23.Summer tanagers build a cup nest on a horizontal tree branch.

24.The butterfly sits on tree branches, disguising itself as a leaf.

25.Q : There are two tree branches on the reverse of the dime.

26.Rescuers found her clinging to a tree branch several hours later.

27.Smaller tree branches and grass were used for bedding and roofs.

28.I envisioned foggy forests where tree branches looked like skeleton arms.

29.His parachute got tangled in tree branches during tricky wind conditions.

30.The outdoor broom, however, was of tougher material _ tree branches.

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How to say tree branch in Hindi and what is the meaning of tree branch in Hindi? tree branch Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.