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English-Hindi > tree branch" sentence in Hindi

tree branch in a sentence

31.Ching swings a tree branch, which knocks Tsao from his horse.

32.Unger said he landed on his back and was scraped by tree branches.

33.Or try hanging wrought-iron chandeliers from a tree branch or pergola.

34.It came, moving tree branches, then left . Only once ."

35.The hanging nest is attached to thin tree branches, discouraging predation.

36.The support of the tree branches is represented by bootstrap percentage.

37.Highways near Taitung were strewn with soil, tree branches and leaves.

38.Luckily, tree branches and clotheslines in the yard softened her fall.

39.Tree branches came crashing down under the weight of the snow.

40.Tree branches whipped through the air like torn paper, he said.

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How to say tree branch in Hindi and what is the meaning of tree branch in Hindi? tree branch Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.