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English-Hindi > tree branch" sentence in Hindi

tree branch in a sentence

41.A brown jacket was hanging neatly from a nearby tree branch.

42.Barbers shave and cut, their mirrors strung from tree branches.

43.The males choose the highest tree branches, often near ridges.

44.A buzzard hunches over a tree branch in a cage.

45.They build a cone-like nest on a horizontal tree branch.

46.They especially are found sitting in couples on tree branches.

47.The stars were acetylene, caught in the naked tree branches.

48.Lower-ranking fighters live under plastic sheets tied to tree branches.

49.Unfortunately, Oy is impaled on a tree branch and dies.

50.Make a tent by draping a quilt over tree branches.

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How to say tree branch in Hindi and what is the meaning of tree branch in Hindi? tree branch Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.