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English-Hindi > varsity letter" sentence in Hindi

varsity letter in a sentence

21.He finished university with four annual oratorical triumphs and varsity letters in multiple sports.

22.The Handlers earn a varsity letter for each year they are on the team.

23.Handlers first started earning varsity letters in 1987.

24.He earned three varsity letters at Colorado State and Mountain West Conference honorable mention.

25.At the University of Michigan, Petoskey received eight varsity letters in three sports.

26.At the University of Nebraska, he earned a varsity letter in four sports.

27.At Haverford, Fritz received 12 Varsity Letters.

28.In three years he earned eight varsity letters.

29.Savignano earned eight varsity letters in the three sports during his time at Brown.

30.Although Crew was not a star, he went on to earn a varsity letter.

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How to say varsity letter in Hindi and what is the meaning of varsity letter in Hindi? varsity letter Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.