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English-Hindi > vindictiveness" sentence in Hindi

vindictiveness in a sentence

21.The decision is nothing short of petty vindictiveness.

22.I think some people would call that vindictiveness.

23.:* The vindictiveness extends to retaliatory editing.

24."Alice in Chains " ( Columbia ) moves from torment to vindictiveness.

25.This is not about punishment and vindictiveness.

26.And it may appear to be partisan vindictiveness to individuals who worship the former president.

27.He is my longtime friend, a stalwart on privacy and totally devoid of vindictiveness.

28.There will be bad feelings, vindictiveness.

29.This is clearly a case of petty vindictiveness, justified under the aegis of policy.

30.You are looking to delete it out vindictiveness, retaliation and to diffuse your competition.

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How to say vindictiveness in Hindi and what is the meaning of vindictiveness in Hindi? vindictiveness Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.