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stopping point sentence in Hindi

"stopping point" meaning in Hindistopping point in a sentence
  • "I think there has to be a stopping point, " he said.
  • Another popular stopping point for photo opportunities is the Deep Stream viaduct.
  • Large numbers of migrating birds use Merrymeeting Bay as a stopping point.
  • It was also valuable as a stopping point for transatlantic military flights.
  • In recent years, BW has been a stopping point for political candidates.
  • Moe was also a major stopping point for goldfields at Walhalla ."
  • The island was a stopping point during monsoon season for ship repair.
  • Kalmanovitz said, speaking by phone from a stage stopping point in Ouarzazate.
  • And it's a critical stopping point for neotropical migrants and other birds ."
  • Landsborough was a regular stopping point for refreshments for troop trains.
  • The dots indicate start and stopping points of a sampling walk.
  • We have no definition of success and no logical stopping point.
  • It became the stopping point on the two-day trip between the two cities.
  • It had a stopping point for horse and carriage at the middle point.
  • Later Seguin became a stopping point and trade center for Fredericksburg.
  • Sheltered Teplitz Bay has been used as a stopping point for northbound ships.
  • Actually, Theresienstadt was a stopping point on the way to Treblinka and Auschwitz.
  • This is the clearly defined stopping point for the analysis phase.
  • The delta is a vital stopping point along the Mississippi Flyway.
  • A popular stopping point is the St . Helena in the 4th Century.
  • More Sentences:   1  2  3

stopping point sentences in Hindi. What are the example sentences for stopping point? stopping point English meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.