"You suddenly realize your tear glands are working overtime, " he said.
He also described the accessory tear glands of the eye.
_Men's and women's tear glands are structurally different.
It has also been determined that eyes moisten during laughter as a reflex from the tear glands.
The increased blood flow helps the tear gland produce more tears, which are derived from the blood supply.
:: Your eyes are always wet from the secretions of your tear glands-a little extra moisture will make no significant difference.
Kirshner was a widely recognized expert in problems of the nasal passages and tear glands and on surgery to alleviate those problems.
In his honor, the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary established a special library section dealing with diseases of the tear glands.
Mandela's tear glands were damaged by the alkaline content of the limestone on Robben Island, where he spent 18 years in jail.
In its West Coast premiere at the Pasadena Playhouse, it warms audiences'hearts, tickles their funny bones and, on several occasions, stimulates their tear glands.
How to say tear gland in Hindi and what is the meaning of tear gland in Hindi? tear gland Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.