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vacuum tube meaning in Hindi

vacuum tube sentence in Hindi
ट्यूब लाइट

निर्वात नलिका
निर्वात नली
vacuum    निर्वात शून्य
tube    टोंटी ट्यूब नल नली
1.Light bulb technology allows vacuum tubes and you have radio and computers.

2.Transistors were smaller and required lower voltages than vacuum tubes to work.

3.It contained 1727 vacuum tubes and 853 transistors and had a words.

4.Most machines had ten vacuum tubes per digit in each processor register.

5.Routing and design of vacuum tubing layout is very similar to firewall.

6.Naked silvery frames reveal cascades of multicolored wires and glinting vacuum tubes.

7.Vacuum tube feedback oscillators became the basis of radio transmission by 1920.

8.Vacuum tubes with silica envelopes allowed for radiation cooling by incandescent anodes.

9.The earliest vacuum tubes evolved from incandescent light bulbs, containing a rectification.

10.Vacuum Tube Logic's amplifiers are perfect representatives of the two-channel audio ideal.

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electronic device consisting of a system of electrodes arranged in an evacuated glass or metal envelope
Synonyms: tube, thermionic vacuum tube, thermionic tube, electron tube, thermionic valve,

How to say vacuum tube in Hindi and what is the meaning of vacuum tube in Hindi? vacuum tube Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.