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visual field meaning in Hindi

visual field sentence in Hindi
दृष्टि क्षेत्र

चाक्षुष क्षेत्र
दृश्य क्षेत्र
visual    तस्वीर खाका
field    खेल का मैदान इलाका
1.Overall a person with parietal brain damage still has intact visual fields.

2.Information from the right visual field is transmitted to the left hemisphere.

3.This patient experienced an inability to perceive simultaneous events in her visual field.

4.All visual field locations are stimulated in parallel with their individual stimulus sequence.

5.In vision, the fixation, only registering a small part of the visual field.

6.One degree on the visual field represents four cycles on the wave pattern.

7.As expected, visual field testing in cone dystrophy usually reveals a central scotoma.

8.Foveated imaging has been used to simulate visual fields with arbitrary spatial resolution.

9.The visual field is typically counterbalanced within subjects across trials or experimental blocks.

10.A scar in the central visual field would be more debilitating.

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all of the points of the physical environment that can be perceived by a stable eye at a given moment
Synonyms: field of vision, field of regard,

How to say visual field in Hindi and what is the meaning of visual field in Hindi? visual field Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.