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English-Hindi > voltage difference

voltage difference meaning in Hindi

voltage difference sentence in Hindi

voltage    खिंचाव तनाव
difference    भेदभाव मतभेद
1.:You've already looked at Electromotive force # Electromotive force and voltage difference, right?

2.Ion transport produces a potential difference ( voltage difference ) across the epithelium.

3.Charged particles like electron, proton may be accelerated using voltage difference.

4.Thus mud opposite shale sections maintains its voltage difference with the surrounding rock.

5.Only after charge accumulates at the plates of a capacitor is a voltage difference established.

6.Many of the sensors are off-the-shelf components known as potentiometers, which monitor small voltage differences.

7.Different systems are used to minimize the voltage difference between neutral and local earth ground.

8.If the ground voltage difference is small, it tends to only cause hum and clicks.

9.Between points with a low voltage difference, direct current can be controlled by a switch.

10.While the concentrations are fluctuating, an alternating random voltage difference will appear between the electrodes.

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How to say voltage difference in Hindi and what is the meaning of voltage difference in Hindi? voltage difference Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.