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winchester disk sentence in Hindi

"winchester disk" meaning in Hindiwinchester disk in a sentence
  • Connection to the external Winchester disk was accomplished by another parallel port.
  • The DBC 1012 used a 474 megabyte Winchester disk drive with an average seek time of 18 milliseconds.
  • Similarly, its PERTEC disk interface was an industry standard for pre-Winchester disk drives of the 1970s.
  • The 7th West Coast Computer Faire saw the introduction of the 5 MB Winchester disk drive for IBM PCs by Davong Systems.
  • Digital Equipment Corporation produced a Winchester disk controller for the Rainbow capable of controlling hard disks compatible with the ST-506 interface.
  • There were an awful lot of people working at the IBM Hursley lab ( near the city of Winchester ) in the 60s and 70s developing the sealed disk drives that became known the Winchester disks.
  • The model could be expanded, either by adding another pair of 5.25 inch floppy disk drives, and it could also support either an additional pair of RX01 or RX02 8-inch floppy disk drives or a winchester disk.

winchester disk sentences in Hindi. What are the example sentences for winchester disk? winchester disk English meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.