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winchester disk meaning in Hindi

winchester disk sentence in Hindi

विनचेस्टर चक्रिका
विनचेस्टर डिस्क
विन्चेस्टर डिस्क
winchester    राइफ़ल विन्चेस्टर
disk    चक्रिका डिस्क
1.Connection to the external Winchester disk was accomplished by another parallel port.

2.The DBC 1012 used a 474 megabyte Winchester disk drive with an average seek time of 18 milliseconds.

3.Similarly, its PERTEC disk interface was an industry standard for pre-Winchester disk drives of the 1970s.

4.The 7th West Coast Computer Faire saw the introduction of the 5 MB Winchester disk drive for IBM PCs by Davong Systems.

5.Digital Equipment Corporation produced a Winchester disk controller for the Rainbow capable of controlling hard disks compatible with the ST-506 interface.

6.There were an awful lot of people working at the IBM Hursley lab ( near the city of Winchester ) in the 60s and 70s developing the sealed disk drives that became known the Winchester disks.

7.The model could be expanded, either by adding another pair of 5.25 inch floppy disk drives, and it could also support either an additional pair of RX01 or RX02 8-inch floppy disk drives or a winchester disk.

How to say winchester disk in Hindi and what is the meaning of winchester disk in Hindi? winchester disk Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.