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window cleaner meaning in Hindi

window cleaner sentence in Hindi
खिड़की साफ़ करने वाला
window    खिड़की का काँच
cleaner    क्लीनर पंप मार्जक
1.Usually, it just takes window cleaner and a razor blade, he said.

2.Formby starred as Percy Piggott, the " innocent Lancashire window cleaner ".

3.The ingredients included mouth wash, liquid shoe polish and window cleaner fluid.

4.She's included recipes for flavored vinegar, window cleaner, hair conditioner and more.

5.Windex in the US is a window cleaner and is usually blue.

6.These are the same type of rig window cleaners use on skyscrapers.

7.Tsukune uses her magic to teleport the window cleaner, and gets the part.

8.Clarke, a window cleaner, told day eight of the retrial Wednesday.

9.I have a problem breathing when I use a window cleaner with ammonia.

10.After paint is dry, clean off fingerprint smudges with window cleaner.

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someone who cleans windows for pay

How to say window cleaner in Hindi and what is the meaning of window cleaner in Hindi? window cleaner Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.