1. Heinrich Lissauer shared his ideas about agnosia after Wernicke and Kussmaul. 2. Importantly, W . F . gave no evidence of agnosia . 3. Agnosia only affects a single modality, such as vision or hearing.4. Organizational strategies may be extremely helpful for an individual with visual agnosia . 5. Impairment at this stage would be consistent with apperceptive agnosia . 6. The first indication of the language problem is usually auditory verbal agnosia . 7. Broadly, visual agnosia is divided into apperceptive and associative visual agnosia. 8. Broadly, visual agnosia is divided into apperceptive and associative visual agnosia . 9. It involves a higher level of processing than apperceptive agnosia . 10. Auditory verbal agnosia is rarely diagnosed in its pure form.