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aments meaning in Hindi

aments sentence in Hindi
1.Ament continues, looking back on the band's evolution.

2.Ament stated, " Dave was a different egg for sure.

3.The next day, Ament leaves and doesn't return.

4.Ament was defended both by missionaries and the proponents of imperialism.

5.Ament arrived back in the United States on 25 April 1901.

6."Sider Ament was the survivors only hope for salvation.

7."We really had no expectations, " says Ament.

8.And that's what bothered us, " says Ament.

9.MASSACHUSETTS : Falmouth Academy, Falmouth : Seth Abrams Ament.

10.McCready says of a track written by Pearl Jam bassist Jeff Ament.

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How to say aments in Hindi and what is the meaning of aments in Hindi? aments Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.