anaglyph sentence in Hindi
- Anaglyph and polarized glasses are distributed to audiences at 3D movies.
- Prints were by Technicolor in red-and-blue anaglyph.
- A 3D anaglyph version was included as an additional special feature.
- Louis Ducos du Hauron produced the first printed anaglyphs in 1891.
- It contains an anaglyph 3D feature as well as HDR lighting.
- The first anaglyph film was invented in 1915 by Edwin S Porter.
- Process reconfigures the typical anaglyph image to have less parallax.
- The well-known " anaglyph color filter method.
- Anaglyphs can be printed with normal printers and used as 3D posters.
- This was anaglyph process, with prints produced by Technicolor.
- In the 1970s filmmaker Stephen Gibson filmed direct anaglyph blaxploitation and adult movies.
- The anaglyph imaging viewed through colored filter glasses ).
- Customers were given free anaglyph glasses at Wendy's for the promotion.
- The polarization system has better color fidelity and less ghosting than the anaglyph system.
- Still, anaglyph images provide a cheap and comfortable way to view scientific visualizations.
- To present faster frame rate in anaglyph, quincunx, and 2D plus Delta.
- In 1953, the anaglyph had begun appearing in newspapers, magazines and comic books.
- In fact, during the 1950s anaglyph projection was used only for a few short films.
- Video games, theatrical films, and DVDs can be shown in the anaglyph 3D process.
- Anaglyph images have seen a recent resurgence because of the presentation of images on the Internet.
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