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aubrite meaning in Hindi

aubrite sentence in Hindi
1."Aubrite " is the name for small meteorites.

2.Since some aubrites contain chondritic xenoliths it is likely that the aubrite parent body collided with an asteroid of  F-chondritic composition.

3.Comparisons of aubrite spectra to the spectra of asteroids have revealed striking similarities between the aubrite group and the ( 3103 ) Eger, is also often suggested as the parent body of the aubrites.

4.Comparisons of aubrite spectra to the spectra of asteroids have revealed striking similarities between the aubrite group and the ( 3103 ) Eger, is also often suggested as the parent body of the aubrites.

5.3103 Eger is the only asteroid besides 4 Vesta identified as the parent body for specific meteorites . 4 Vesta is the parent body for Howardite, Eucrite, and Diogenite meteorites, while 3103 Eger is the parent body for Aubrite meteorites.

How to say aubrite in Hindi and what is the meaning of aubrite in Hindi? aubrite Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.