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babinski meaning in Hindi

babinski sentence in Hindi
1.Babinski lived to see his achievements in French neurology internationally acclaimed.

2.In Paris he attended the Neuropsychiatry courses held by Babinski.

3.Also with Babinski, he co-wrote a book on cerebrospinal fluid.

4.It is now known as Babinski-Froment syndrome.

5.The art team was Don Kramer and Michael Babinski.

6.Babinski wrote over 200 papers on nervous disorders.

7.In the third stage, neurological examination may reveal clonus and positive Babinski sign.

8.In October 2011, Babinski joined Choi in the studio with engineer Nathan Sabatino.

9.The Babinski response is also normal while asleep and after a long period of walking.

10.The Babinski sign can indicate upper motor neuron lesion constituting damage to the corticospinal tract.

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How to say babinski in Hindi and what is the meaning of babinski in Hindi? babinski Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.