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English-Hindi > bandanna

bandanna meaning in Hindi

noun plural: bandannas   
bandanna sentence in Hindi
1.There are no earrings allowed, or long hair or bandannas.

2.For a nose he got a triangular piece of red bandanna.

3.Don't forget the dryer vent hose and a bandanna.

4.Philippoussis has the oversized bandanna, upper body and brooding eyes.

5.A blue bandanna is rolled tightly and tied around his forehead.

6.One French Quarter resident makes hats and bandannas for visiting dogs.

7.They wore T-shirts and hard hats and Browns bandannas.

8.They were wearing loafers, shorts and some sort of bandanna.

9.What did King think of the message on Hopkins'bandanna?

10.Instead of a tie they sported an elegant silk bandanna scarf.

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large and brightly colored handkerchief; often used as a neckerchief
Synonyms: bandana,

How to say bandanna in Hindi and what is the meaning of bandanna in Hindi? bandanna Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.