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busby meaning in Hindi

noun plural: busbies   
busby sentence in Hindi
1.Foster has more Busby Berkeley than Halas in him, though.

2.Busby was Thomson's downstairs neighbor at the Chelsea Hotel.

3._Michael Busby ( 1953-1990 ) ( END ITAL)

4.Norma Whitney Busby is a writer living in Rutledge, Ga.

5.Walsh even kept a picture of Bronko tucked inside his busby.

6.Busby and Latimer remained in the Oklahoma City Jail on Wednesday.

7.Rookie Mike Busby ( 0-2 ) took the loss.

8.During this run Murray was sacked and replaced by Viv Busby.

9.Busby had been appointed manager of Scotland before the Munich disaster.

10.Unfortunately for Busby, the surgery did not save his career.

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tall hat; worn by some British soldiers on ceremonial occasions
Synonyms: bearskin, shako,

How to say busby in Hindi and what is the meaning of busby in Hindi? busby Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.