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English-Hindi > bush bearing

bush bearing meaning in Hindi

bush bearing sentence in Hindi

बुश बेयरिंग
व्यास्तर बेयरिंग
bush    छेददार डाट लगाना
bearing    आचरण चाल छबि ढंग
1.Other analysts wondered how far the image of Bush bearing a platter of roast turkey would carry him.

2.She described Malden as containing " a little settlement fronted by a big wooden pier, and a desolate plain of low greyish-green herbage, relieved here and there by small bushes bearing insignificant yellow flowers ".

3.Groves of bushes bearing the small white flowers that will dry into black clove buds, ylang-ylang trees and meandering vines hung with vanilla beans lined the road, so narrow and winding that the driver had to honk at every bend.

How to say bush bearing in Hindi and what is the meaning of bush bearing in Hindi? bush bearing Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.