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capitation meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ ˌkæpi'teiʃən ]  sound:  
capitation sentence in Hindi
1.Capitation also gives doctors an incentive to skimp on needed care.

2.The backlash against capitation also has reached the New York region.

3.All the state's HMOs use some form of capitation.

4.Few physicians in the state have experience with the capitation method.

5.A number of physicians find the whole idea of capitation repugnant.

6."I won't work under capitation,"

7.Under capitation, such actions also make good financial sense.

8.A capitation payments program will provide a better type of medical care.

9.You see a lot of capitation on the West Coast.

10.Neither pure fee-for-service nor pure capitation works well.

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a tax levied on the basis of a fixed amount per person

How to say capitation in Hindi and what is the meaning of capitation in Hindi? capitation Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.