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chyme meaning in Hindi

chyme sentence in Hindi
1.Some theorists state that Chymes is the eponymous founder of alchemy.

2.The album was released on the CHYME label in 1977.

3.The first receptacle for this chyme is the duodenal bulb.

4.The intestines are cleaned and skinned, but the chyme is left inside.

5.The end product is food broken down into chyme.

6.Unlike peristalsis, segmentation actually can slow progression of chyme through the system.

7.The remaining chyme is passed to the colon.

8.With a pH of approximately 2, chyme emerging from the stomach is very acidic.

9.After an hour or two, a thick semi-liquid called chyme is produced.

10.Others authors such as Komarios, and Chymes, we only know through fragments of text.

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a semiliquid mass of partially digested food that passes from the stomach through the pyloric sphincter into the duodenum

How to say chyme in Hindi and what is the meaning of chyme in Hindi? chyme Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.