In the province of Aceh alone, more than 6,000 lives have been lost in fighting between the Islamist “Free Aceh Movement” and government forces. Asian intelligence sources believe this group may be an al Qaeda affiliate. The goal of these and other radicals, CNS News reports, is “to turn the world's most populous Muslim country into an extremist Islamic state by 2003.” Muslim-Christian tensions have led to a full-blown religious war on other islands. इण्डोनेशिया- दक्षिण पूर्व एशिया के देश में 88 प्रतिशत मुसलमान हैं जो कानूनी और हिंसक दोनों ही ढंग से इस्लामी कानून या ( शरियत) को लागू करने के इस्लामवादी प्रयासों का आतिथ्य करते हैं।
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