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English-Hindi > coinage

coinage meaning in Hindi

noun plural: coinages   
coinage sentence in Hindi
1.Sharp Devanagari Clerk- 100 per cent pure new Hindi Device for coinage; REMINGTON BASED UNICODE TYPING TOOL
प्रखर देवनागरी लिपिक - 100% शुद्ध टंकण हेतु एक नवीन हिन्दी उपकरण; REMINGTON BASED UNICODE TYPING TOOL

the act of inventing a word or phrase
Synonyms: neologism, neology,

a newly invented word or phrase
Synonyms: neologism, neology,

coins collectively
Synonyms: mintage, specie, metal money,

How to say coinage in Hindi and what is the meaning of coinage in Hindi? coinage Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.