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consideration meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ kənsidə'reiʃən ]  sound:  
noun plural: considerations   
consideration sentence in Hindi
1.It must alternate between revolution and consideration .
इसमें क्रांति और शांति बारी बारी से होती रहनी चाहिए .

2.22 . Ideas under consideration include :
22 जिन बातों के बारे में विचार हो रहा है उन में से कुछ बाते यें है ।

3.The position of woman in society needs some consideration
अब समाज में नारी की स्थिति पर विचार करना आवश्यक हो जाता है .

4.Gentlemen of the jury , you will have to leave all that out of our consideration .
जूरी के सदस्यगण , आप उस मामले से अलग हटकर विचार करें .

5.Its height too has been taken into consideration.
ऊँचाई का ध्यान रखा गया है।

6.Specific considerations of number 18 in original design of Holy book Mahabharat
महाभारत की मूल अभिकल्पना में अठारह की संख्या का विशिष्ट योग हैं।

खासगी विचाराधीन और आदर|भाष्;

8.Noise is often a consideration in determining planning applications .
प्लैनिंग प्रार्थनाओं पर स्वीकृति के समय शोर पर अक्सर विचार किया जाता है .

9.Noise is often a consideration in determining planning applications.
प्लैनिंग प्रार्थनाओं पर स्वीकृति के समय शोर पर अक्सर विचार किया जाता है ।

10.What are the ethical considerations ?
नीतिपरक तथ्य क्या हैं ?

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a considerate and thoughtful act
Synonyms: thoughtfulness,

kind and considerate regard for others; "he showed no consideration for her feelings"
Synonyms: considerateness, thoughtfulness,

the process of giving careful thought to something

information that should be kept in mind when making a decision; "another consideration is the time it would take"
Synonyms: circumstance, condition,

a discussion of a topic (as in a meeting); "consideration of the traffic problem took more than an hour"

a fee charged in advance to retain the services of someone
Synonyms: retainer,

How to say consideration in Hindi and what is the meaning of consideration in Hindi? consideration Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.