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defence meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ di'fens ]  sound:  
noun plural: defences   
defence sentence in Hindi
1.Ministry of Defence Claims Branch, C and L (F and S) Claims 3, St Giles Court, 1-13 St Giles Street, London WC2H 8LD.
Ministry of Defence Claims Branch, C&L (F&S) Claims

2.Ministry of Defence Claims Branch, C and L (F and S) Claims 3, St Giles Court, 1-13 St Giles Street, London WC2H 8LD.
Ministry of Defence Claims Branch, C&L (F&S) Claims

3.Bhagat Singh did not offer any defence during the trial .
मुकदमे के दौरान भगत सिंह ने अपनी सफाई पेश नहीं की .

4.It was a legalistic , technical and apologetic defence .
बचाव कानूनी , तकनीकी और खेदसूचक रूप में किया गया था .

5.It was a brilliant 22-hour defence by Tilak , spread over six days .
तिलक द्वारा की गयी 22 घंटे लंबी जिरह 6 दिन तक चली .

6.Food Safety Act 1990: Guidelines on the Statutory Defence of Due Diligence (1991).
(Food Safety Act 1990: Guidelines on the Statutory Defence of Due Diligence(1991)।)

7.Food Safety Act 1990: Guidelines on the Statutory Defence of Due Diligence (1991).
(Food Safety Act 1990: Guidelines on the Statutory Defence of Due Diligence(1991)।)

8.Then fixers without even the fig leaves of defence .
उसके बाद दिखते हैं दलल , जो बिल्कुल ही बेपरदा खड़ै हैं .

9.That is a burden which the defence cannot be made to bear .
बचाव पक्ष को यह बोझ उठाने को मजबूर नहीं किया जा सकता .

10.The following facts were conclusively proved by the defence :
बचाव पक्ष ने निम्न तथ्यों को अंतिम रूप से साबित किया था :

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the act of defending someone or something against attack or injury; "a good boxer needs a good defense"; "defense against hurricanes is an urgent problem"
Synonyms: defense,

protection from harm; "sanitation is the best defense against disease"
Synonyms: defense,

(military) military action or resources protecting a country against potential enemies; "they died in the defense of Stalingrad"; "they were developed for the defense program"
Synonyms: defense, defensive measure,

a defendant''s answer or plea denying the truth of the charges against him; "he gave evidence for the defense"
Synonyms: defense, denial, demurrer,

a structure used to defend against attack; "the artillery battered down the defenses"
Synonyms: defensive structure, defense,

the justification for some act or belief; "he offered a persuasive defense of the theory"
Synonyms: defense, vindication,

the speech act of answering an attack on your assertions; "his refutation of the charges was short and persuasive"; "in defense he said the other man started it"
Synonyms: refutation, defense,

an organization of defenders that provides resistance against attack; "he joined the defense against invasion"
Synonyms: defense, defense force, defence force,

the defendant and his legal advisors collectively; "the defense called for a mistrial"
Synonyms: defense, defense team, defense lawyers,

(sports) the team that is trying to prevent the other team from scoring; "his teams are always good on defense"
Synonyms: defense, defending team,

(psychiatry) an unconscious process that tries to reduce the anxiety associated with instinctive desires
Synonyms: defense mechanism, defense reaction, defence mechanism, defence reaction, defense,

How to say defence in Hindi and what is the meaning of defence in Hindi? defence Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.