1. The water does not effervesce like the fancy bottled stuff does. 2. Effervescing through the grim historical insight are bubbles of wit.3. Characteristic of a carbonate, specimens effervesce upon treatment with hydrochloric acid. 4. Opportunities for crime effervesced under expanding commerce. 5. He had pioneered treatment with iron and effervescing medicine which engineered a remission, and so prolonged life. 6. "Effervescing Elephant " was pastiche of the verse form of Hilaire Belloc's Cautionary Tales for Children. 7. At the age of five Effervescing won two $ 100, 000 + purse stakes races within one week. 8. An effervescing agent that fizzes and creates bubbles as the polymer is being turned into a hydrogel creates the pores. 9. Bite into a slice, and it effervesces on your tongue _ an orange slice is like a Fanta soda without the bottle. 10. He is an opportunity-stimulator, creating hundreds of jobs and careers for folks who have been embraced by his effervescing energy and enthusiasm.