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finishing touch meaning in Hindi

finishing touch sentence in Hindi

अंतिम परिष्करण
finishing    परिष्करण परिसज्जन
touch    स्पर्श
1.Apparently, organizers were unable to put some finishing touches on the stadium.

2.For the finishing touch someone beat a tambourine directly onto a microphone.

3.He was busy last week putting the finishing touches on the house.

4.That is where the company is putting the finishing touches on Cymax.

5.Democrats and Republicans are putting the finishing touches on their Big Shows.

6.Workers were busy putting the finishing touches on Edison Field on Friday.

7.He said the authors are still putting finishing touches on the document.

8.Mary Panichi said her home in Chatsworth still needs some finishing touches.

9.It would be the finishing touch, the high point of my career.

10.My mother slowly drops in the sesame oil as a finishing touch.

  More sentences:  1  2  3  4  5
a final touch; a crowning achievement; a culmination
Synonyms: capstone, copestone,

How to say finishing touch in Hindi and what is the meaning of finishing touch in Hindi? finishing touch Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.