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fumigation meaning in Hindi

fumigation sentence in Hindi
1.A . You may not need fumigation for your entertainment center.

2.There has been no real evaluation of the effects of fumigation.

3.He said people should take preventive measure, including thorough fumigation.

4.Fumigation obviously is something that happens much faster than alternative development,

5.We feel very comfortable that we had a very successful fumigation,

6.Fumigation is the most effective action to defeat ( drugs ).

7.The United States does fund a coca fumigation program in Colombia.

8.Fresh longan that is shipped worldwide is exposed to sulfur fumigation.

9.Chemical control can be achieved via soil fumigation with methyl bromide.

10.A fumigation bath house and a jetty were built in 1903.

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the application of a gas or smoke to something for the purpose of disinfecting it

How to say fumigation in Hindi and what is the meaning of fumigation in Hindi? fumigation Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.