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English-Hindi > grandiose ideas

grandiose ideas meaning in Hindi

grandiose ideas sentence in Hindi

अत्यहंमन्यता प्रत्यय
grandiose    आडंबरपूर्ण
ideas    धारणा मत विचार
1.My father, who had grandiose ideas, attempted to live beyond his means.

2.I said before, we didn't have any grandiose ideas of sweeping this thing.

3."I don't have any really grandiose ideas about how much I'm going to accomplish,"

4."We've got grandiose ideas, we're looking down the road,"

5.Grandiose ideas designed to revolutionize an industry rarely work.

6.But Churchill Downs has grandiose ideas and wants to take hold of the racing market.

7.I had all these grandiose ideas, " he said.

8.Even your most grandiose ideas will be attainable.

9.I don't have any grandiose ideas about him.

10."We didn't have any grandiose ideas we could come in and overwhelm this deal, " said Lukas.

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How to say grandiose ideas in Hindi and what is the meaning of grandiose ideas in Hindi? grandiose ideas Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.