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gunneries meaning in Hindi

gunneries sentence in Hindi
1.He was the gunnery commander on board during World War II,

2."We just hit a wall, " said Gunnery Sgt.

3.Fishermen argue gunnery practice and aerial bombing have ruined fish stocks.

4."It is frustrating, " said Gunnery Sgt.

5.Overlooking the Po, U . S . Marine Gunnery Sgt.

6.The process of delivering fire onto the target is called gunnery.

7.The Allies'victory was achieved through superior firepower and gunnery.

8.Eighteen Leopard Crew Gunnery Trainers were purchased at the same time.

9.Naval gunnery in the 17th century was still in its infancy.

10.During this period, she was involved in a gunnery accident.

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How to say gunneries in Hindi and what is the meaning of gunneries in Hindi? gunneries Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.