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English-Hindi > gunwale

gunwale meaning in Hindi

noun plural: gunwales   
gunwale sentence in Hindi
1.I steadied myself against the gunwale and cast into the current.

2.These helped show the width desired for the lower gunwale frame.

3.Three cod came over the gunwale minutes after the anchor was set.

4.In Achill Island the currach is built with double gunwales.

5.On ordinary rowing craft, the rowlocks are attached to the gunwales.

6.Poles used for the gunwales are fastened to these stakes.

7.The flotation bulge at the gunwale increased the overall beam to approximately.

8.About 150 people just hurled themselves over the gunwales,

9.The canoe suddenly seems unstable, and passengers reach instinctively for the gunwales.

10.Originally the gunwale was the " gun ridge " on a sailing warship.

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wale at the top of the side of boat; topmost planking of a wooden vessel
Synonyms: gunnel, gun rest,

How to say gunwale in Hindi and what is the meaning of gunwale in Hindi? gunwale Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.