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English-Hindi > hypothesizing

hypothesizing meaning in Hindi

hypothesizing sentence in Hindi
1.Some hypothesize acupuncture may work by inducing changes in blood flow.

2.I have not heard anyone hypothesize that it would go further.

3.However, the researchers only hypothesize that the link is estrogen.

4.But I don't want to hypothesize about the future.

5.The researchers hypothesized that nerves in the lungs control this relaxation.

6.Some doctors have hypothesized that they are from excessive physical activity.

7.The researchers hypothesized that the drug might be targeting a hormone.

8.You are asking me to hypothesize about a lot of improbables,

9.Some scientists have hypothesized that advanced civilizations may send neutrino signals.

10.It has also been increasingly hypothesized that tyrannosaurids had such protofeathers.

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How to say hypothesizing in Hindi and what is the meaning of hypothesizing in Hindi? hypothesizing Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.