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English-Hindi > hysterectomy

hysterectomy meaning in Hindi

hysterectomy sentence in Hindi
1.Those who have gone had a hysterectomy are also in need of this test .
जिन औरतों का गर्भाशय ( बच्चेदानी ) निकाल दिया गया है उनको भी समीयर टैस्ट की आवश्यकता हो सकती है |भाष्;

2.Doctors were forced to perform a hysterectomy , taking away forever her ability to conceive .
ड़ॉक्टर उनका गर्भाशय विच्छेदन के लिए मजबूर हो गए जिससे भविष्य में गर्भधारण करने की उनके क्षमता चली गई .

3.After a hysterectomy the breasts usually show the same monthly differences until the time when your periods would have stopped. After the menopause activity in the milk-producing tissue stops.
मासिक धर्म के पूर्व, स्तनों में दूध पैदा करने वाले टिश्यु सक्रिय हो जाते हैं।

4.After a hysterectomy the breasts usually show the same monthly differences until the time when your periods would have stopped .
हिस्टरेक्टॉमी के बाद , आपके मासिक धर्म के रुकने तक , स्तनों में सामान्यत : वही महीनेवार परिवर्तन होते हैं ।

5.This test is given to those females who are above 20 years old and have experienced intercourse. Those who have gone had a hysterectomy are also in need of this test.
इस परीक्षण को २० ( 20 )वर्ष की उपर उन औरतों को करवाने के लिए कहा जाता है जिन्होंने यौन सहवास किया हो |

surgical removal of the uterus

How to say hysterectomy in Hindi and what is the meaning of hysterectomy in Hindi? hysterectomy Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.